Due to a change in Steve’s availability, the dates for the next block of three Wednesday evening summer training will now be 26 May, 16 Jun & 23 Jun. THERE WILL NOW BE NO SESSIONS ON EITHER 2 JUN OR 9 JUN. Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this change.
These sessions will continue with the current format – see group lists below. If you haven’t already done so, please RSVP NOW to confirm your place(s), using the button on the event listing; or by e-mail to Steve, so that we can process payments etc.
**NB those of you for whom this will be your second ‘block’ of training with us will all be receiving separately requests for payment of membership fees for both the Club and Canoe Wales (our National Governing Body, membership of which is required for our insurance cover)**
- Polo skills development with Jess, for experienced paddlers who’ve ‘outgrown’ general training sessions – [places reserved for Alex, Charlotte, Edith & Natalie – all TBC]
- Adult development with Steve, for experienced paddlers who aren’t ready for polo skills – places booked for Joe, Rhiannon & Tanya [and provisionally reserved for Griff & Mike – both TBC]
- Junior beginners / improvers with Olly – places booked for Jim, Ruan & Sam [and provisionally reserved for Tomos, TBC]
- Adult beginners / improvers with Dave and Ele – places booked for Andrea, Keira & Rob [and provisionally reserved for Mary, TBC]