We’ve been a little disappointed in the uptake for our weekend trips recently – today’s Open Water trip was cancelled due to lack of numbers (although, to be fair, the weather’s pretty awful anyway!); and we only have one person currently booked for our river trip on Sat 5 Jun – despite these both being trips that were requested in our recent members’ questionnaire!!
Perhaps we’re offering the wrong trips – or the wrong dates – or perhaps some of you aren’t yet confident enough to join us – but we would hope to see a little more interest than this! After all, weekly training sessions only exist to help you develop the skills to ‘go paddling’ – they’re not intended as the be-all-and-end-all of your paddling careers!! So, please do let us know what’s holding you back – or go ahead and Book Now for the following trips (click on the titles for more details & RSVP options):
- Sat 5 Jun 2021 River Trip probably from Hay to Whitney on the Wye – several spaces available
- Sun 27 Jun 2021 White Water Introduction / Refresher at Symonds Yat – this one’s already proving quite popular, but we do still have one space available (possibly more if other coaches are able to come and help!)
Details for trips from July onwards will be added when Steve has time to organise them – but in the meantime please let him know if you have any special requests or suggestions…