Steve is planning to run a First Aid course for some of our Club coaches and leaders in June / July; he has space for one or two other participants if any Club members are interested. The course will be run via a combination of Zoom sessions and practical (outdoor-based) face-to-face sessions held at Steve’s farm near Libanus There are two options (NB dates are provisional at this stage):
- An 8-hour course, leading to Aquatic First Aid Level 1: 3 Zoom sessions on Monday evenings 21 Jun, 28 Jun & 5 Jul; and a half-day practical session on Sat 26 Jun – cost £60; or
- A 16-hour course, leading to Aquatic First Aid Level 2: as above plus an additional Zoom session on Monday evening 12 July and a day’s practical session on Sat 24 July – cost £120.
Completion of either course will meet the requirements of the recognised Emergency First Aid at Work qualification; and the 16-hour course will meet the requirements of outdoor activity Governing Bodies for Outdoor First Aid qualifications.
Please contact Steve if you’re interested!