This will be a trip on the River Wye (subject to water conditions) for all our paddlers, either Hay-Whitney or somewhere further downstream (e.g. Kerne Bridge to Symonds Yat) – in the region of 5 miles and suitable for everyone, in kayaks, canoes or even SUPs. Timing likely to be 10am-3pm.
The Stoyel-Hastie family has already reserved spaces, but there’s plenty of room for more!
If you’d like to join this trip, you can ‘get tickets’ (if you need to hire a boat) or ‘RSVP’ (if you’ll bring your own boat) via the event listing at Sun 1 Oct 2023 River Trip – or contact Steve if you’d like more information or to check suitability. NB bookings close at midnight Sun 24 Sep.