Our Sun 8 Oct 2023 ‘Harder’ White Water Trip will be the first of our ‘harder’ white water trips this winter, scheduled for the 2nd Sunday of each month (8 Oct, 12 Nov, 10 Dec, 14 Jan, 11 Feb, 10 Mar) – suitable only for experienced white-water paddlers who are comfortable on grade 2(3), preferably able to roll, and ready to move up to something ‘harder’.
The aim is for these trips to be on a variety of grade 3-4 rivers, led by a suitably qualified leader / coach, although we will not be able to confirm locations until a few days beforehand, when we have an idea of expected water levels.
Consequently, participants should be prepared to travel up to 3 hours each way (although we’ll aim for less than this) – and to share lifts and costs.
Numbers will be limited, so if you’d like to join this trip, please RSVP on the event listing via the link above, or drop Steve an e-mail. Club boats will be available for £10 hire as usual, although we anticipate most of our ‘hard’ paddlers having their own boats.