!!! Hyperlinks now added to some individual events, along with current bookings !!!
Let us know if you’d like to join any of these…
Watch this space for more detail (when Steve has time to put it together), but our outline plan for autumn/winter trips is:
- 25 Sep Pembrokeshire (nr St Davids) sea paddling – rock-hopping in river boats – for our more experienced paddlers (to be confirmed) [Edith (tbc) Pete M, Phil M (tbc), Steve]
- 2 Oct ***date changed from 9 Oct*** – canal trip aimed at beginners and anyone else who fancies it! [Nairi, Pete, Sam C]
- 23 Oct – an introductory white water trip, aimed at white water novices as well as a gentle start to the winter for more seasoned paddlers [***TRIP FULL*** Anne, Daniel, Nairi, Pete M, Phil H (tbc), Rhiannon, Sam C, Tanya; RESERVE: Sam H]
- 13 Nov, 11 Dec and 2nd Sun of each month – more advanced white water trips aimed at seasoned paddlers (getting progressively more challenging throughout the winter)
- 27 Nov [Sam H] and 4th Sun of each month (not Christmas Day!) – easier white water trips aimed at our developing paddlers (also getting progressively more challenging throughout the winter)
- 26 Dec (tbc) – possibly a Boxing Day paddle, suitable for everyone who can brave the weather, to burn off the Christmas pud!