We have only a few spaces available in our pool sessions starting next week and we need to make a decision BY TOMORROW on whether to add the small pool to our booking to increase capacity, so…
[Places are already reserved for Alex, Dave C, Jim, Kevin, Nairi, Oscar, Phil C, Rhiannon, Sam, Tanya, Tavi (15th only)]
…if it was your intention to book place(s) on one of more of our ‘general training’ sessions (1, 15, 29 Nov & 13 Dec), please let us know NOW so we can be sure to squeeze you in!
To book place(s) on all 4 sessions (cost £40), you can either use the RSVP button at Mon 1 Nov 2021 Pool Session (General Training) or reply to mail@breconcanoeclub.org.uk.
To book individual sessions (£10 each), reply by e-mail and we’ll see what we can do ?.