Following our recent post advertising next year’s pool sessions, very few of you have signed-up to these yet! Of course it has been Christmas and everyone has been busy, but…
…unless enough people sign-up to these sessions, we will not be able to commit to booking the pool in the New Year and we may lose access to Brecon pool forever, so…
Please book places IMMEDIATELY if you’d like to come along to pool sessions in the New Year!!!
As long as we have enough participants to cover costs, we’ll continue with alternate weeks of:
- Skills Training (including beginners) 13 Jan, 27 Jan, 10 Feb, 24 Feb, 9 Mar, 23 Mar
- Polo Training 20 Jan, 3 Feb, 2 Mar, 16 Mar, 30 Mar
Please RSVP now to the 13 Jan Skills Training and / or 20 Jan Polo Training sessions if you want to come! Click the links to each of these events, then click the RSVP button to confirm your place(s) – or e-mail Steve if that is easier for you!