Update / reminder – Polo Tournaments

Southwest Regional League, Cheltenham 2 Dec pm & 16 Mar am

We still need to know AS A MATTER OF URGENCY if any of our polo players are interested in playing these tournaments (esp. 2 Dec) – so far we have confirmation from Mel, Sam H & Steve R (and possibly Huw if the pm starts late enough!) but we need at least 6 players to confirm a team (to include at least one substitute, preferably more!). Please let Steve know either way as soon as possible (latest by midnight Fri 10 Nov). Cost TBC.

Welsh 4-a-side Development League, Rhondda

The dates for the Welsh 4s Development League have now been confirmed as Sun 28 Jan & Sun 10 Mar, 9am-2pm at Rhondda Sport Centre (i.e. not the other potential dates 25 Feb & 24 Mar). Previous responses indicated the following players: Huw, Jack, Mel, Natalie?, Sam C, Sam H (10/3 only), Steve R, but there are still spaces for more (substitutes – or even a second team!). Please confirm ASAP if you’re interested (latest by midnight Fri 24 Nov), so Steve can get the application form in. Cost max £40 per person (covering both dates). NB we’ll look to re-organise the scheduled 28 Jan white water trip to avoid the clash…

Players in either league will need to be full ‘On the Water’ members of Canoe Wales, so you may need to contact them to upgrade from ‘Club Associates’…


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