Bookings have now closed for our 3 general training sessions on alternate weeks commencing Mon 17 Jan. We’re currently expecting the paddlers listed below. There is just one more space available to block-book all these sessions, although we do have several people on the reserve list for single sessions, so please let us know…
- if you’d like to book all three sessions (17th & 31st Jan, 14th Feb) – act NOW to secure your place (£27 non-refundable for all 3 sessions); or
- if you’d like to be added to the ‘reserve list’ for 31st and / or 14th (£13 each) – just in case anyone drops out of these sessions; and
- if you’re unable to attend any of the sessions that you’ve booked, as there may be people able to take up your place even at very short notice!
Booked for all 3 sessions: Alex, Angharad, Fleur, Ian, Jim, Kevin, Mike, Rhiannon, Sam, Seren, Tanya.
Reserves for 17th – in priority order (one or more of you might get a place): Tavi, Peter M, Dave C, Keira.
NB we still have plenty of spaces in our Canoe Polo Training sessions commencing this evening, Mon 10th Jan – so let us know if you fancy coming along and trying something a little different!!!