Please pay NOW for Monday’s pool session!

We are currently expecting the following paddlers for Mon 4 Sep 2023 Pool Session (General Training):

  • Anne, Chris, Finn, Fleur, Gethyn, Huw, Isabel (tbc), Lauren, Lee, Mel, Rhys

If your name is in bold that means we’ve already received your payment (many thanks!), if not please attempt to pay ASAP using our online system:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page at Mon 4 Sep 2023 Pool Session (General Training) to order ‘tickets’. If there don’t appear to be any left of the type you want, please contact us and we may be able to release more.
  2. If you’re not already logged-in, press the ‘Login to purchase‘ button
  3. Your username should be your first name followed by surname, with no spaces, e.g. SteveRayner. If this doesn’t seem to work, please drop us an e-mail so we can check your details.
  4. If you’ve not logged in before, or have forgotten your password, click on the ‘Forgot your password’ link.
  5. Once logged-in, you should now see the ‘Get tickets‘ button.
  6. If you’re unable to pay online using PayPal, please contact us to make alternative arrangements.
  7. Any problems, please contact us!

We’ll be getting boats ready tomorrow (Sunday), so it would really help us to know ASAP who’s definitely coming for sure. (We’ll also be checking everyone’s Club and Canoe Wales membership status, so some of you might also get other ‘reminders’ tomorrow if appropriate).


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