Would you like to know:
- More about the world of canoeing and kayaking (or ‘paddlesport’ as they are collectively known)?
- How Brecon Canoe Club can help you – and can point you towards many other opportunities – to develop your paddling skills and have all sorts of fun on the water?
- How you can help Brecon Canoe Club to keep doing what it does (and more)?
This is an ideal opportunity for our newer members (both paddlers and parents) as well as our longer-term paddlers to come and find out more about our exciting sport and your local club!
So please come along to our Annual General Meeting on Monday 27 Jan from 6pm (at Brecon Leisure Centre, in the meeting room at the end of the pool spectators’ gallery). Steve will give a short presentation (followed by Q&A) on The Exciting World of Paddlesport! and a summary of the Club’s activities and plans before moving on to the formalities of the AGM (which we’ll aim to get through as quickly as possible!).
Please RSVP (using the link below – or e-mail Steve) if you are able to come along. We hope to see as many of you there as possible (NB we need to have at least 3 adult members, including at least 2 Trustees, to be present by 6.15pm for the AGM formalities to go ahead – but we hope a lot more of you will come than this!)
Visit the AGM entry on our events list at https://breconcanoeclub.org.uk/events for the agenda (and, by Sunday at the latest, copies of last year’s annual report and accounts).