We have been having problems with the ‘free trials’ associated with our ‘new’ online membership process, which has made it difficult to complete both initial and renewal payments. As a consequence:
- Our membership plans will no longer incorporate a 1-month ‘free trial’, so new members will only be asked to ‘apply for membership’ after they’ve attended their first 3 sessions – but will then be expected to pay for membership before attending their fourth event with us (NB this change will take immediate effect, so our new members who’ve been asked to ‘apply for membership’ in the last few days may now safely ignore that request!).
- Existing members will need to pay immediately when asked to renew their membership, either by an automated e-mail from ‘the system’ or a chaser e-mail from Steve (NB it would be helpful if some of you could forward to us for information any automated e-mails you receive from the membership system, as it’s not clever enough to tell us what it sends out!!).