A few reminders this week…

  1. It’s not too late to join the Rayner and Jones families for our Club paddle on the Wye this Sunday – but you do need to let Steve know TONIGHT (Wednesday) if you want to come!
  2. Next Monday pool session as normal – Steve promises to remember the spray-decks this time!
  3. Parents of all under-16s – please remember you are expected to remain on site during pool sessions (or make in loco parentis arrangements with other parents), since we do not have the staff to take responsibility for children who may need to leave the poolside. Why not come on in to help – or at least watch the fun??!!
  4. We need to know URGENTLY whether you’d like to keep coming to the pool after half-term, either for polo training or skills training or both – future sessions depend on enough people signing-up for them…

2 thoughts on “A few reminders this week…”

  1. Do you have space for a new guy to come along? Looking to get back into kayaking after a long break. Have kit and transport.

    Look forward to hearing from you.
    Kind regards

  2. Sorry Morgan cannot make Sunday he has rehearsal all day . He would like to continue after half term he is really enjoying it but it may be alternate Mondays because of panto rehearsal !
    Just to reassure either my husband or I stay


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